Happy New Year!I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas celebration and a wonderful New Year thus far.
As I reflect back on 2006 I am overwhelmed at the many hurdles the Riveras have overcome. It's been a very rough year but a great one nonetheless.
Where do I begin? First of all...my Fall semester is behind me now and I must boast about my accomplishments. With a grueling 18 units (1 unit shy of the 19 unit cap), I obtained a 4.0 semester!!! Six (6) straight A's. I'm thrilled to death! I owe it all to one professor in particular, Mr. Mercer, who pushed me to my limit and allowed me to discover hidden talent I knew was just itching to be unleashed. Alas, it has earned me a spot as an editor for our school newspaper publication, an internship at the Event News (a city of Cypress newspaper publication), and the title of Producer for our online newscast - CyChron Newscast.
I must also thank my photography professor, Mr. Burchfield, and another photography professor Mr. Lester for recognizing my artistic potentials and for recommending me for the Sports Photographer internship.
Mr. Degrassi has made my Physical Geology class very interesting and I have learned so much. You ROCK!
Thank you Teresa Wang for trusting my creativity as your photographer. I hope you were truly satisfied with the photos. I had tons of fun! (please see some of my photos on http://arivera626.deviantart.com).
Thank you L'Oreal and Frank at the Event News for giving me the opportunity to report, photograph and write for you! I enjoyed every minute of it! You taught me the importance of meeting a deadline and for producing your best work the FIRST TIME around!
Thank you Mr. Ghamsary for your help with Algebra. Variables are now my best friend!
To MaNerriza, Jason, Hung, Alex,and Sandra....the BEST newspaper editing team in the west! You guys made my semester a fun one! I am going to miss you MaNerriza and Jason as you move on to bigger and better things -- UCI and UC San San Francisco. I'm so envious! I want updates! Tell me all about your experiences! I can't wait.
Thank you Jessica for being my intern buddy. You crack me up! You're the best!
To Nicole -- for always sharing in my accomplishments! I know you would truly appreciate how hard work is rewarded with good grades! You inspire me!
To Professors Bryan Seiling, Melanie Nabahani, Barbara Marshall, Susan KIein (thank you for the scholarships!), Mark Mayo,....oh my goodness...I know I'm forgetting someone (please forgive me)...to those who I have inadvertently omitted....THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for believing in me and pushing me to my fullest potential.
To my counselors: Velia, Renee L., Renee S., Penny, Dennis, Alan, Jane and others...without your guidance, I would be wandering around aimlessly.
Thank you Mike Yolo -- my former work buddy for all of recommendations. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for your encouragements and for believing in my talents! You go with your Masters!!!!
A VERY BIG THANK YOU, HUGS AND KISSES to my family -- Steve, Christopher, Elysse, Aaron and Ariana for putting up with the biggest control-freak, anal and demanding wife and mother. Thank you for allowing me to be ME and for giving me "breathing room" and study periods around the house! I owe you EVERYTHING!!!!
Thank you Mom, Dad and Ronnie -- for having faith in me. You are the backbone of my foundation!
As I embark on the last semester-and-a-half at Cypress College prior to transferring (FINALLY!) to CSUF...I must say - I have had the time of my life here. I look forward to another productive semester.
With my deepest gratitude,