Friday, July 28, 2006


After a few days of reading and taking online quizzes for two chapters, tired and late at night, I took the online exam for Political Science. I now know I should have waited until this morning to take the exam as I would have had some rest and been refreshed. Stupidly, I opted to take the exam late last night instead thinking the material was still "fresh" in my mind. Wrong! I didn't so well. It was a little disheartening. 11 out of 20 questions correct at 55% accuracy. Lame! I reviewed the answers and quite frankly I was thrown off by the many "all of the above" answers. There must have been, I kid you not, about 10 "all of the above" answers to choose from. I really hate those because I often believe they are trick questions. To be honest, I was torn between answering "all of the above" and choosing ONE answer. I could kick myself. I did VERY WELL on the online pre-tests, quizzes and summaries prior to taking the exam. How frustrating!

I guess the good thing is after calculating my scores against the total accumulative points, I ended up at 83% which translates to a "B". I am still awaiting my grade for an assignment I just submitted last week which has not yet been calculated into the total. There is one more online exam and then the FINAL in about 2 weeks. If I can ace (or do well, at least) on those two exams I should be able to maintain my "B". That's really all I care about. I CANNOT drop below a "C" - even that's unbearable.

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