Thursday, January 19, 2006

English 106

1/19/06 Professor Klein is computer-savvy! A week prior to the start of school, she had mass-emailed the class to get started with the Online Tutorial, Pre-Course Survey, and other navigational instructions. Her syllabus is very straight-forward, self-explanatory and user-friendly. I am looking forward to this class and more importantly, because it is a 9-week course, it will go by quickly and before you know's over! I know it's going to be somewhat aggressive but I'm willing to take-it on! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Something's not right. I read the assignment and the directions carefully so as not to inadvertently omit anything for Week One's submission but apparently, according to Prof. Klein, I didn't complete an important part of the essays and for that I was docked. I am really feeling overwhelmed by all the things going on in my life. It's amazing! I am probably going to scream or snap soon. I NEED AN OFFICE. I need privacy. I can't stand the many, numerous and chaotic interruptions. It's taken me 2 days to complete 2 class assignments. It should only be a matter of hours, but yet it's been days now. I must be too critical or too anal to where I must achieve for perfection. only downfall I can identify. It's time to get into 2nd and 3rd gear! Can't stay in 1st gear the whole semester. Hold on to you hats (and keep your arms and hands, feet and legs in the vehicle at all times...and parents WATCH YOUR CHILDREN). TTYL