After a few days corraborating to keep the "Intro to Broadcasting" course alive, it was inevitably a grim day when the dean arrived to take inventory of "live" bodies in the campus newsroom. Sadly, due to low enrollment, the class dismissed - literally and definitely. Just when I was beginning to get niched right in there, too.
So, I've had some time to reflect on my first week of school. Though busy, I absolutely love it! I even like my math class and my math teacher! Imagine that! Me, the "I-hate-math-I-could-spit" person. I especially like how my professor shows us "shortcuts" to long drawn out processes. He does show us the "long" way first, then after several exercises on one concept, he shows us the shortened version.
I am still awaiting a reply back from my prospective professor of photography in hopes that I will be able to meet with him soon prior to officially adding his class, simply because the Monday class has already been to El Dorado Park to take pictures, I imagine of all things nature! How cool but how sad for me, I missed it! Since this is a Monday class, as of today, I missed two classes and next Monday is Labor Day so the school is closed. That will make it three consecutive classes missed. This is why it is vital I meet with him this week so as to get "caught up!" Additionally, I will have to purchase all of the class material (I think) myself, although I wonder what the $20 registration fee then covers? I was told by Mr. Mercer (my journalism professor) that the department provides students with "cameras and things." I only wish I knew if that were true or not. That would help me out tremendously, financially.
Then there is determining the class days and times that work best for me. Since I am already on campus on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00A-12:50P, I thought it would be best to take Photography in the morning from 9:00A - 10:50P. This way I will already be there and not lose out on the three units I had to drop. But then again, do I want to take it later in the week, say Tuesday in the morning? Since I don't have my permanent car yet (not until after Sept 11th...and counting!), I can't determine if I can be on campus during the day on Tuesdays. I have a class in the evenings already on Tuesdays - "Mass Media Survey" - a Journalism class.
What to do, what to do. I guess I'll know more tomorrow. Mercer said I would still be able to work (a type of internship) at CNC-Live! In fact, he's recommending me for the TV producer. He paid me a very high compliment in that he said this position requires someone with great organizational skills; someone who could delegate jobs if necessary to others; and to oversee the layout and content for each live show; and he feels I possess these specific skills! This is very encouraging indeed.