As the beginning of school is just literally ONE WEEK away, I was beginning to think I would be book-less the first week of school. I hate this because some professors immediately list reading assignments or even homework on their syllabus the first week. This becomes especially bothersome when you attend a class once-a-week instead of twice-a-week (like I'm used to). This is the case for most of my classes this semester, oddly enough.
- Mondays/Wednesdays - Journalism 118 from 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
- Mondays - Geology 100 from 6:00 PM - 8:50 PM
- Tuesdays - Journalism 110 from 6:00 PM - 8:50 PM
- Saturdays - Math 015 from 8:00 AM - 11:50 AM
After my job interview this morning (which really wasn't a job interview but rather an assessment test), I drove to Cypress College to check on my scholarship, financial aid and other details. I knew I had to write a "Thank You" letter for my scholarship but I didn't know I had to make an appointment for Financial Aid, even though I am a renewal. Well, because I was literally FLAT BROKE (with only $1.00 in change in my wallet), I made my way over to the Transfer Center to use their computer, print out my "Thank You" letters, print out my registration, and print my books information. I spoke with Rhonda in the Foundation office regarding my scholarship. She told me that I would simply need to show my student ID, bring the "Thank You" letters and print-outs, and I would be issued a "book voucher." After some calculations, we determined my books would total up to be $391.00. Ouch! Well, the Foundation completed the Books Requisiton Form not to exceed $400.00. Fair enough.
I took the book voucher downstairs to the bookstore (never having done this before) I bought all of my books right then and there. I was able to get three out of four books USED and only my Math book was NEW. The total came out to be $344.96. PERFECT! You don't know how HAPPY I am to get my books a week in advance. I feel accomplished!
Afterwards, I made my way over to the Financial Aid office to schedule my Loan Orientation for September 1, 2006 at 12:00 Noon. Despite my accomplishments today, I can't help but to think about how much money I COULD HAVE spent if my husband would have been nice enough to support me. We're talking about a $2675.44 savings if he would have only bit the bullet and paid for my books! I'm telling you! I could have received the full scholarship in September but now I'll only receive partial scholarship. Oh well, at least it went towards something school-related, right? Just in case they (the Feds) need proof of what I spent the money on, they'll have it recorded on file at the Foundation office. C'est la vie!
Nonetheless, I will pay for my admin fees this week (which includes mandatory health fee, student services fee, A.S. benefit fee and parking) and that will mark my completion of all the prelims necessary prior to school's start. The only thing I'll need to buy is a few school supplies. That won't be hard to do! I LOVE SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!!!
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