It's been a long summer, and through it all, I completed both the last portion of the required English courses for lower division, AND fed-two-birds-with-one-grain and completed Political Science tonight with a semester-end final exam. I'll know my results sometime next week. This Poli Sci class was purposeful in that it fulfilled:
- Area D: SOC/POL/ECON Institutions and Historical Background - for a total 9 unit minimum
- CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution & American Ideals. By completing both POSC 100 and HIST 170, total units counted toward the nine-unit minimum in Area D.
In terms of Journalism 110, I read through a review in Rate My Professors, that one student indicated the professor is a:
"...Good guy. Really helped me out and gave me a chance to accomplish a lot in the broadcasting field. You gotta try though, can't just fly through the classes without working..."
On the other hand, another student said of the professor, who by the way, received mediocre and somewhat unfavorable reviews:
"...Don't let the course name fool you, you're really just on the school paper..."
Despite it's half-and-half reviews (I suddenly feel like coffee!), I am looking forward to this course. I'm especially excited to FINALLY take courses related to my major (now that I've finalized my major - I think, I hope, I believe, I'm sure).
After Geology 100, the final component to Area B: The Physical Universe and Its Life Forms, I will only have Math to complete. This area is taking a little longer because it was THE area I neglected to pay close attention to when I re-enrolled back to college. I shuffled from counselor to counselor and quite frankly, neither one of them instructed the importance of completing the Math component early enough so as not to get too far behind. I found out the hard way! But, rather than make a total donkey of myself and fail miserably in a subject I have been completely far removed from in (oh, say...) fifteen or so years, would be quite the embarrassment, not to mention devastating! So, realizing I needed to complete an assessment test for placement, I decided to make an appearance in the Assessment Office. Come to think of it, my intention was not to prove that I KNOW Math, but to SHOW UP and have them tell me that it would be best to start from GROUND ZERO (a humbling experience, undoubtedly). To make a long story even longer, I took the darn test, and STARED at it for a good ten minutes before I mustered enough strength in my right hand holding the writing utensil they call the pencil. My brain told it to "write something, dork!" while my hand checked-out and went on a break! It just wasn't happening.
Needless to say, Math will be the lagger of subjects, detaining me longer than I would like to be at Cypress. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Cypress College because I've literally made it my second stomping ground (next to Disneyland/Disney's California Adventure of course!!!), but it's really time to hit the big-leagues! I've got to get transferred to CSUF soon!
Speaking of which, I browsed the many ad-bombarded bulletin boards at school tonight after my final, and found several flyers up with "THINK TRANSFER" written all over the place! I think they are pushing TRANSFER...I could be wrong, but I'm getting that impression!
On a serious note, to enter into CSU by Fall 2007, the dates are between Oct 1 through Nov 30, 2006. So I've marked my calendar already to get my behind into the Transfer Center, make and appointment to meet with one of my five counselors (one can never have too many!) to discuss all the aspects of applying for a transfer. Just a few steps closer to reaching my goal!!! How exciting!
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